Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mercola Grain Truth

Like many Mercola articles, this one's a bit long, but a good read.  BLUF:  you may be adapted to eat the grains we started eating 10,000 years ago, but you ain't adapted to all the modern mutant dwarf wheat fertilized by oil that you are eating now.
"Approximately 17 plants species provides 90 percent of the world's food supply. The top 10 are: wheat, maize, rice, barley, soybean, cane sugar, sorghum, potato, oats, and cassava. Without these plants there is no way that the world could support the existing 6 billion people and the anticipated 12 to 15 billion people expected during the next century. If agriculture gave us anything, it was an easily grown mass diet that was calorically dense that could be stored, shipped, and processed in hundreds of different ways.
"Around 20,000 to 10,000 years ago there was a mass extinction of large mammals throughout Europe, North America, and Asia. The environment was exploited until other forms of hunting and gathering was demanded. Birds and waterfowl appeared more frequently in the fossil record, and for the first time grindstones and crude mortars appeared in the archaeological record in the near east. This was the beginning of humanity's use of cereal grains for food.  "Hunters and gatherers derived most of their calories from about 100-200 different species of wild animal fruits and vegetables. But with the advent of agriculture man became dependent upon a few staple cereal foods, 3-5 domesticated meat species, and 15-20 other plant foods. Many populations got up to 80 percent of their calories from a single cereal staple."

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