Monday, July 27, 2009

Wow, Low Fat Dogma Challenged in the Main Stream!

I am not convinced that the "Mediterranean Diet" even exists any longer - it was identified by a long discredited study of a very small population which is by no means representative of the food the "Mediterranean's" eat.

But if she has to hijack that badly conceived notion to make the point, I'll buy it!

The main points, she's right - you can eat a lot of saturated fats and be healthy and lean. It's the gluten and gliandins from wheat and other cereal grains that give us inflammation and gastric distress (whole is slightly better than processed but none of it is good for you). It's the high levels of carbohydrates that kill us diabetes which leads to heart disease, stroke, and decreased quality of life. It's the massive quantities of sugars that give us cancer and Alzheimer's, and accelerate the ageing process.

If you want abundant health, low inflammation levels and normal human ageing, eat meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar (See for the origin of that concise summary!).

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Should Be Old News But Its News

Dietary carbohydrate restriction in the treatment of diabetes and metabolic syndrome is based on an underlying principle of control of insulin secretion and the theory that insulin resistance is a response to chronic hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. As such, the theory is intuitive and has substantial experimental support. It has generally been opposed by health agencies because of concern that carbohydrate will be replaced by fat, particularly saturated fat, thereby increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease as dictated by the so-called diet-heart hypothesis. Here we summarize recent data showing that, in fact, substitution of fat for carbohydrate generally improves cardiovascular risk factors. Removing the barrier of concern about dietary fat makes carbohydrate restriction a reasonable, if not the preferred method for treating type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. We emphasize the ability of low carbohydrate diets to improve glycemic control, hemoglobin A1C and to reduce medication. We review evidence that such diets are effective even in the absence of weight loss.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Type I and Type II Diabetes - Linked?

Fascinating study which hints that the two may not be as distinct as has always been thought.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Understanding Fructose's Special Perils

This post does a fantastic job summarizing why we should work our collective backsides off to stay away from fructose. Summary - it is a heart disease driver like no other.

This post is consistent with Taubes' summary of fructose in Good Calories Bad Calories.

Response to Anonymous on the Law of Thermodynamics

Regarding the oft repeated assertion that 'a calorie is a calorie' as regards weight loss ...

When tested, results often show that one can eat more calories on a restricted carb diet and be less hungry and lose more weight. The reasons are many and I refer you to Good Calories Bad Calories should you wish to learn more. The body is not a closed system, and your interpretation of the Law of Thermodynamics (LoT) imply that it is. What do I mean? “Calories in = energy expended + fat accumulated/depleted” is correct, but only if one realizes that some calories drive hormonal responses which have an effect on the equation. Eat more protein, feel less hunger, be more active, thus expend more energy. Eat more carbohydrate (measured by glycemic load in particular), feel more hunger and behave like hungry people do: rest more, thus expending less calories, and eat more.

Do teenagers grow because they eat too much or because their bodies are responding to the complex interaction of hormones?

Do pregnant ladies gain weight because they eat too much or because their bodies are responding to the complex interaction of hormones?

Do post-menopausal ladies gain weight more easily because they suddenly begin to eat too much, or because their bodies are responding to the complex interaction of hormones?
Do tall thin people (ectomorphs) just magically match their consumption and expenditure (thus remaining slender despite what appears to be high food intake)? Or are they genetically programmed to a different hormonal response than endomorphs?
If you met two people, one tall and thin and the other shorter, wider, with a large pelvis and heavy bones – don’t you already know that one will struggle more with their weight than the other? You do, and you know it long before you know which one is the least disciplined in the non-food arenas in their lives.

Research that shows, repeatedly, that the obese consistently eat less than many or most of those who are not obese.

Do those who are heavier than we think they should be eat too much, or are they responding to the hormonal mileu they have created by eating foods which we are not designed to eat?

I think the later. Obesity is not the result of a character flaw, it is a result of widespread consumption of foods (primarily cereal gains, sugar and agricultural products which have exceptionally high carb content) we are not genetically adapted to. These foods drive a hormonal response the results in energy accumulation as fat.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sprained your ankle? Here's 'DIY' rehab

What an awesomely simple approach - practice standing on one leg to rehab a sprained ankle. Wish I had known this when I used to frequently sprain my ankles - have not repeated that injury since I began CF.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Vitamin Supplementation - Good or Bad?

Interesting article that makes me happy I have not been throwing money away on vitamins all these years.

Cycling Bones

Most of us won't face this no matter how much we cycle - but if you cycle or swim a lot, balancing your fitness with resistance training is a common sense matter for bone health.

The old saying goes "any strength to excess becomes weakness."

Loading bones via moving weights is a demonstrated benefit to improved bone density.