Monday, July 27, 2009

Wow, Low Fat Dogma Challenged in the Main Stream!

I am not convinced that the "Mediterranean Diet" even exists any longer - it was identified by a long discredited study of a very small population which is by no means representative of the food the "Mediterranean's" eat.

But if she has to hijack that badly conceived notion to make the point, I'll buy it!

The main points, she's right - you can eat a lot of saturated fats and be healthy and lean. It's the gluten and gliandins from wheat and other cereal grains that give us inflammation and gastric distress (whole is slightly better than processed but none of it is good for you). It's the high levels of carbohydrates that kill us diabetes which leads to heart disease, stroke, and decreased quality of life. It's the massive quantities of sugars that give us cancer and Alzheimer's, and accelerate the ageing process.

If you want abundant health, low inflammation levels and normal human ageing, eat meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar (See for the origin of that concise summary!).

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