Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Home Remedy: Lard

A friend arrives for dinner but does not want to kiss hello. “I might have a cold,” she says. “Eat this, then,” I say, proffering a piece of hot toast with a thin, transparent slice of cured pork fat, lardo di colonnata, draped over it.
Feeling like one of those women in television adverts who advise their friends to use products that will make their kitchens sparkle, I explain to the suffering creature that animal fats contain antiviral and antibiotic properties.
A little lard a day to keep the doctor away? It takes some persuading, given that most of us have been brought up to fear saturated fats. While it is true that we should watch the quantity we eat every day, they are essential to the diet of a healthy person.
Both lard and dripping contain palmitic and stearic fatty acids, important for energy metabolism and normal growth. Conjugated linoleic acids in animal fats (including butter) can also help reduce body fat.
I defy the author to produce a shred of proof that one should watch the quantity of saturated fat consumed - unless what she means is watch it go from the plate to my face.  It is not possible to eat enough fat to harm you, unless you eat it doused in sugar.

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