Friday, November 15, 2013

NPR: Aging Well: Keeping Blood Sugar Low May Protect Memory

My good friend Star put this perfectly:
"It was so good then it didn't stick the landing at end of article."
"There's a growing body of evidence linking elevated blood sugar to memory problems.
"For instance, earlier this year, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded that higher glucose may be a risk factor for dementia, even among people without type 2 diabetes.
So the question is, at what point does the risk of cognitive decline set in?
"Or in other words, should we be aware of creeping blood sugar, even before it gets to levels that doctors call pre-diabetes?
"Well, researchers, writing this week in the journal Neurology, have some new data that suggest that even modest increases in blood sugar among people in their 50s, 60s and 70s can have a negative influence on memory.
"The study included 141 healthy older people, all of whom had blood sugar in the normal range. All of the participants were given recall tests where they were read a list of 15 words and then asked to repeat back as many as they could remember."

At the end, the article recommends eating foods that will likely drive your blood sugar to higher levels.  

That's a good example of the cognitive dissonance in the diet/health world at present.

Another example of cognitive dissonance is the way they break diabetes into its own category.  Certainly it's true that those diagnosed with diabetes are treated differently than those who only seem like they are moving in that direction.  The underlying cause of the spectrum from elevated glucose, to metabolic syndrome, to diabetes, is the same - too much "carnage" (thanks Jimmy Moore for the term).

This podcast delivers a fantastic example of an MD who is on to the idea of how much he can help his patients by helping them get their blood sugar regulated without medications - well worth the listen for the education the doctor provides.

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