Sunday, November 17, 2013

Potato or Sweet Potato?

The BLUF: You can eat potatoes or sweet potatoes and be healthy, IF:
1. You are not carbohydrate intolerant (IOW, you have not already lost the too much belly and have not already restored glycemic control).
2.  You are not sensitive to potatoes, which can have some neolithic agents of irritation and unhealthy for some.
As with most things, there are few absolute rules and enough subtlety to make it difficult.  That said, the blood glucose meter reveals all.  If you eat a potato with your paleo-ish meal and glucose rockets above 160, you will want to eat a half potato with that meal the next time, and test the result.

They’re both called “potatoes”.
They’re both nutritious, energy-rich tubers and ancient, honored foods whose cultivation stretches back thousands of years.
They both originated in Central and South America and have since spread throughout the world.
They both taste great and make a fine side dish.
Yet, botanically, potatoes and sweet potatoes are completely unrelated.
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) are in the Solanaceae family, related to tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant along with deadly nightshade. Plants in this family produce solanine, which is poisonous. So don’t eat the leaves or stems of any plant in this group, or potatoes that have gone green. Solanum phureja is a rarer, more wild-type species of potato cultivated in South America.
Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) are in the Convolvulaceae family with flowering morning glory vines. Unlike potatoes, you can also eat the leaves of sweet potatoes, which are very nutritious.
Also note: sweet potatoes aren’t yams. True yams are another type of tuber (genusDioscorea).
Great info bit:
As you can see above, sweet potatoes are indeed sweeter: They have 7 times the sugar content of regular potatoes. (However, if regular potatoes are stored in cold storage, over time their starch content slowly transforms into glucose and fructose.)

This is a great read from PN, dig in.

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