Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fiber - Good or Bad?

"And a final telling paragraph:  The scientists aren't certain how many times cells can take a hit, but they suspect turnover is so high because of the constant injury. Potentially caustic substances, such as alcohol and aspirin, can produce so much damage that natural recovery mechanisms can't keep up. But they doubt a roughage overdose is possible."  (Note:  link to study available from Dr. Eades' link below).  

"So, we have a situation where a product causes damage to the cells lining a tube, causing them to produce a lot of mucus in an attempt to protect themselves. In the process many of these cells die and are replaced by new cells. And this is perceived as a good thing.  My question is: is it really a good thing?"


The fiber myth - would you believe, even after all the hype, that there's essentially nothing but conjecture to support the oft heard admonition that we need fiber in our diets?  From this link, Dr. Eades goes through the nasty details of what fiber IS known to do - give your intestines a beating.

There's a detailed summary of the fiber myth in "Good Calories Bad Calories", just another reason to read the book if you just have to understand all the conflicting things we've been told by the "authorities."

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