Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dr. Mercola on Milk

Dr. Mercola on milk - his advice?  Don't drink it unless you get pasteurized non-homoginized milk - link below.

Aside from his list of suspected issues, there's the matter of increased insulin secretion in response to lactose when compared to other sugars (as reported at

When I stopped drinking milk, I felt better.  The improvement was palpable enough to reinforce the change, even though I really enjoy drinking whole milk.  I drink a glass from time to time, usually after a workout, but otherwise don't miss it.

I concur with the Doctor's recommendation - do a test run, see if you notice a difference.  There is reason to believe that grass fed cows generating raw milk - especially when used for butter - is a powerful nutrient laden real human food.  Don't confuse that with the stuff you can get at the grocery store.  Lastly, milk has to be consumed in low doses to keep yourself at a good carb restriction level.

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