Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Omega 6 and Omega 3 Balance Affects Fat Gain

I'm not a great fan of Dr. Sears' editorial on the topic, but this study highlights a serious consideration as we wrestle through our choices about what to eat.  It is extremely hard to match the paleolithic diet with industrial foods (eg corn finished beef/chicken).
"an article published in Cardiovascular Psychiatry and Neurology (2009;2009:867041) demonstrates what happens when you take genetically identical mice and put them on different diets for three generations. The diets were equal in calories and total fat, but only differed in the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats. By the third generation, the mice on the high omega-6 fatty-acid diet were considerably fatter, had higher levels of arachidonic acid (i.e. Toxic Fat) and had more damage to their organs.
Thus all the cries for more exercise and eating fewer calories by nutritionists (and politicians) may have little effect on our obesity epidemic. To make the situation even more ominous, the author of this study told me that his group will present even more disturbing research at the International Fatty Acid Conference I am attending next week in the Netherlands."

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