Monday, January 3, 2011

Heart Scan On LDL Type

The two kinds of small LDL
Another home run from Dr. Davis in which he highlights the origins of small LDL (considered to be markers of atherosclerotic process, unlike large, fluffy LDL), which is either from a bad hand in the genetics department, or overconsumption of carbohydrates.  He finds his patients see the most dramatic results by eliminating wheat, cornstarch, and sucrose.

Why are the small, dense LDL a worry?  We don't know for sure.  They just be a marker of an underlying, systemic inflammatory cascade.  But as Dr. D reports, small LDL:

"--Distortion of Apo B conformation--i.e., the primary protein that directs LDL particle fate is distorted, making it less likely to be cleared by the liver but more likely to be taken up by inflammatory (macrophages) in the artery wall, creating plaque. It means that small LDL particles linger for a longer time than larger particles.
--Small LDLs are more oxidation-prone. Oxidized LDL are more avidly taken up by inflammatory macrophages.
--Small LDLs are more glycation-prone.
--Small LDLs are more adherent to structural tissues, e.g., glycosaminoglycans, that reside in the artery wall."

What's the take away?  You can measure the impact of carb over consumption via triglyceride levels, low HDL, high blood pressure, abdominal fat, hyper glycemia, a high A1c, AND by a large number of small, dense LDL.  All of these markers are correlates with CVD and other diseases of civilization.  They can all be down regulated by decreased carb consumption - 100g per day or less.  The actual dose that will serve you best depends upon your genetic tolerance for carbs, the damage you've done to yourself from carb overdoses (how much, how long), and/or how long you've been restricting carb intake (the body heals, and over time folks seem to recover some carb tolerance).

Are you ready to change your health in 2011?  Call me at 901-489-5856 and let's schedule a conference to assess your situation and decide if we can work together to maximize your health, physical performance and mental performance. It's an approach that works because you don't have to overcome hunger, and within a couple of weeks, you will look, feel and perform so much better, you'll work hard to sustain your success!

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