Friday, January 28, 2011

You Need Whole Grain Like You Need Holes In Your Intestines

General Mills is pushing the whole grains like you read about.  This one makes me sad; there are apparently still boatloads of folks who buy this stuff.  But, if you happen to think holes in your intestines is a good idea, you can take advantage of the increasing availability of whole grains!

The following links would serve to highlight some of the reasons why giving your money to General Mills in exchange for their whole grain products might not be a great plan.

What Wheat Is Good For
Wolf Eats Grains
Unhealthy Grain, Whole or Otherwise
Mercola Grain Truth
Hyperlipid Zeroes In On Wheat
"Wheat Hell"

The following is excerpted from Tim Ferriss' blog:

1. Lectins are not broken down in the normal digestive process. This leaves large, intact proteins in the gut. If you recall, most proteins are broken down in the digestive process, but the structure of some grain proteins makes them very difficult to digest (for the geeks: these proteins are high in the amino acid proline). Grains also contain protease inhibitors (dairy and some other foods also contain these), which further block the digestion of dangerous lectins. This lack of adequate protein digestion leads to serious problems, as you will see.
2. The lectins attach to receptors in the intestinal lumen and are transported intactthrough the intestinal lining. Remember how amino acids and sugars are transported out of the intestines during digestion? Certain lectins “fool” transport molecules in an effort to gain entry into our bodies intact.
3. These large, intact protein molecules are easily mistaken by the body as foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses, or parasites. It’s perhaps unpleasant to think about, but the intestines are not the nicest place to hang out. This area is a major source of infection by bacteria and viruses, and the immune system lies primed, waiting to pounce on any invading pathogen. Not only does WGA enter the system intact, it damages the intestinal lining, allowing other proteins to enter the system. Why is this a problem? Our immune system mounts an attack on these foreign proteins and makes antibodies against them. These antibodies are very specific to the shapes of these foreign proteins. Unfortunately, these proteins also tend to look like proteins in our body.
Still, if feces in your blood sounds good to you, have at it.

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