Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hyperlipid Zeroes In On Wheat

Peter is brilliant but writes in a challenging style. My interpretation or BLUF: Commonly used diagnostic practices will not detect your wheat sensitivity, so even though the present rate of those who are known to be wheat intolerant is 1%, that number will become larger as the new techniques are used. If you have symptoms of auto-immune disease, neurological disease or gut irritation you should start with the cheap, no side effect treatment of choice - get rid of wheat/legumes and processed dairy for a month and take note of the result.

"It is particularly notable that the main reference cited by Wills and Unsworthy for the incidence of coeliac disease only tested antibody positive patients and only accepted them as coeliac if they had intestinal signs on biopsy. Clearly depending on EMA antibodies, as used in Cook's study, missed many patients so the incidence of intestinal coeliac disease MUST be underestimated.

"The value of EMA as a screening tool is therefore limited"

Still, an incidence of 1% is massively higher than was the accepted incidence 20 years ago. This estimate will continue to increase as people realise how widespread the problems from wheat are.

Backing away from intestinal disease as a pre requisite for gluten problems:

The whole point of Hadjivassiliou's work is that there may not be ANY gut signs with neurological gluten induced disease.

We know full well that the zonulin system in the gut is disrupted by gluten. This is irrespective of the presence of intestinal coeliac disease. Once the gut is permeable to proteins you can take your pick of auto immune diseases. If you get neurological problems AND gut problems Nottingham might accept that you have gluten ataxia. If you get neurological signs without gut damage then it's time to get in your wheelchair."


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