Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Breakfast With No Wheat

Another great post by Dr. Davis on how to have a breakfast without wheat/gluten.  Besides the benefits of getting of the wheat (opiates, glutin, lectins, and skyrocketing blood sugar), the metabolic impact of providing what you body does need - protein primarily with fat also providing good nutrition  - but leaving out what your body does not need - hormonal disruption resulting from too much carbohydrate - is all positive.  By staying at low or zero carbs in the morning, the body will continue to utilize fat for energy (while the brain sips on glucose), and it may continue to generate ketones as well.  The body has already been carb free for a while - from your last meal at night until the morning, perhaps 10 hours - and not adding a lot of carbohydrate to the breakfast mix means that all the good things the body does to maintain itself (when not burdened with processing a big dose of sugar) will continue.  From the perspective of the paleolithic model, what are the odds that the hunter-gather awakened to a bowl of cherios and milk (or anything even remotely that dense in carbs) every day?  More likely, he or she was back at the fire pit picking over the bones and other leftovers.

Dr. Davis starts by pointing out that wheat free leaves many options: "Actually, there's plenty left to eat. It just may not look like the traditional American notion of "breakfast." (The traditional idea of breakfast was is, in part, due to the legacy of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, who, in the latter part of the 19th century, ran a sanitarium in Battle Creek Michigan. He and his brother, Will Keith Kellogg, discovered the idea of turning grains into flakes, the birth of the breakfast cereal. Subscribe to the idea of breakfast cereal for breakfast and you subscribe to the ideas of a man who would administer four enemas for you today to cure your cancer or rheumatism.)

Here are a few ideas. By no means is this meant to be a comprehensive list, just a starting point for a few new breakfast food ideas.

--Eggs--Of course, eat the yolk. Eat three yolks. Scrambled, "fried," (not really deep-fried, of course), hard-boiled, poached, as an omelette. Add pesto, olive oil, vegetables, mushrooms, salsa.

--Ground flaxseed--As a hot cereal with your choice of water, milk (not my favorite because of insulin effects; the fat is immaterial), full-fat soy milk (yeah, yeah, I know), unsweetened almond milk. Add walnuts, blueberries, etc. Ground flaxseed is the only grain I know of that contains no digestible carbohydrates.

--Lunch and dinner--Yes, if you cannot have breakfast foods for breakfast, then have lunch and dinner, meaning incorporating foods you ordinarily regard as lunch and dinner foods into your day's first meal. This means salads, leftover chicken from last night, soup, raw vegetables dipped in hummus or guacamole, stir fry, etc.

--Cheese--For something quick, grab a chunk of gouda or emmentaler along with a handful of raw almonds, walnuts, or pecans. Because of the excess acidity of cheese (along with meats, among the most acidifying of foods), I usually try to include something like a raw pepper or avocado, foods that are net alkaline.

--Avocados--Cut in half, scoop out contents. They're quick and delicious, when available.

I couldn't overemphasize how much I have learned from Dr. Davis' approach, and how grateful I am for his blog posts.  My father and brother are doctors, and so I don't see doctors in a negative light - but to find a doctor who is so expert at healing without drugs ... I admire that very much.  I'd like to know what percentage of cardiologists, when presented with a patient that's a good candidate for statins or sugical interventions, instead gets them eating in a way that eliminates their illness.  I suspect the percentage would be low.

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