Friday, November 25, 2011

Yawn - Another Epidemiological Study

A new study by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers finds a strong association between the consumption of red meat—particularly when the meat is processed—and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. The study also shows that replacing red meat with healthier proteins, such as low-fat dairy, nuts, or whole grains, can significantly lower the risk.

Another junk observational study, another foolish conclusion, yawn.

I joined a chorus of others who have written ad nauseum about this process of having to get funding to do research to be relevant in the field, and about how the only types of studies that are cheap enough to fund are these observational studies, and how observational studies are a tool to find statistical relationships worthy of further study - but cannot be used to determine causation.  Given the incentives in place, these studies and these kinds of results will not cease. 

My advice to the study publishers is - go for it.  Eliminate the processed meat and the red meat and eat all the whole grains and low fat milk you can find.  Many people like to eat that way.  You may even thrive that way, and I hope you do. 

Let me know how that goes for you, in the mean time, I'm betting on red meat and less than 100g of carbs per day, and there's no available measure of health that indicates this is a problem.  I'll take that over another cheap observational study any day.

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