Monday, April 12, 2010

Evidence Of High Intensity Benefit

In the CrossFit world, intensity is defined by the work performed and the take it takes to complete that work.  IOW, if you move a specified weight a specified distance as fast as you can, you are producing a measure of work that may be calculated as horsepower (or any other measure of power).  The more horsepower generated in a workout, the better, with the caveat that variety in modalities (weights, running, gymnastics) and workout duration (some short, some long, most 10-15 minutes) will be necessary to become fit (in the CrossFit sense of fit; which is fit for the unknown and unknowable). 

This study shows some correlation of CF's premise that high intensity is beneficial to health.  Other correlates of high intensity workouts include better faster lipid profiles, better bone density, and the reversibility of anaerobic work - that is to say, working in the anaerobic/glycolitic energy pathway will sustain and contribute to work in the aerobic/oxidative energy pathway, but the reverse is not true (with the exception of those who are so de-conditioned they cannot perform anerobic work).

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