Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mercola/Rosedale Part 4, Causes

Dr. R moves from the case studies to the 'why' - why did they get sick, why his method helps them heal.

"Researchers have tested caloric restriction on several dozen species, and the results are uniform throughout. They are doing it on primates now, and it seems to working with primates, though we won‘t know for sure for about another 10 years.
"Why do centenarians become centenarians? Why are they so lucky? Is it because they have low cholesterol, exercise a lot and live a healthy, clean life?  Well, the oldest person ever recorded was Jean Calumet of France who died last year at 122 years of age. She smoked all of her life and drank.  What researchers are finding from these major centenarian studies is that there is hardly anything in common among these people. They have high cholesterol and low cholesterol, some exercise and some don‘t, some smoke, some don‘t. Some are nasty as can be, some nice and calm and some are ornery.
"But, they all have relatively low sugar for their age, and they all have low triglycerides for their age.
"And, they all have relatively low insulin.
"Insulin is the common denominator in everything I‘ve just talked about. They way to treat cardiovascular disease and the way I treated my stepfather, the way I treated the high risk cancer patient, and the osteoporosis and high blood pressure. The way to treat virtually all of the so-called chronic diseases of aging is to treat insulin itself."

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