Monday, December 13, 2010

Mercola/Rosedale, Part 6

"Full article available here:

(Part 1 is here:  
"Aging is a Disease
"If there is a single marker for lifespan, as they are finding in the centenarian studies, it is insulin, specifically insulin sensitivity.  How sensitive are your cells to insulin? When they are not sensitive, the insulin levels go up. Who has heard of the term insulin resistance?  Insulin resistance is the basis of all of the chronic diseases of aging, because the disease itself is actually aging.
"We know now that aging is a disease. The other case studies that I mentioned, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes, cancer, all the so-called chronic diseases of aging and auto-immune diseases, those are symptoms.
"Now, the medical profession is continually segregating more and more symptoms into diseases--they call the symptoms diseases. Using ENT for example, a patient will walk out of the office with a diagnosis of Rhinitis, which is inflammation of the nose. Is there a reason why that patient has inflammation of the nose? I think so. Wouldn‘t that underlying cause be the disease as opposed to the descriptive term of Rhinitis or Pharyngitis?
"Someone can have the same virus and have Rhinitis, Pharyngitis or Sinusitis. They can have all sorts of "itis‘s," which is a descriptive term for inflammation. That is what the code will be, and that is what the disease will be. So they treat what they think is the disease, but which actually is just a symptom.
"The same thing happens with cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol it is called hypercholesterolemia. Hypercholesterolemia has become the code for the disease when it is only the symptom.  What you have to do if you are going to treat any disease is get to the root of the disease. If you keep pulling a dandelion out by its leaves, you are not going to get very far."

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