Saturday, February 12, 2011

Solving Primate B-12 Problems for Eons!

Humans don't produce a lot of B12 that can be absorbed. We produce a lot, but in the colon, via bacteria, but it's too late. By then, it's essentially poop. Ruminants, on the other hand, produce B12 in the rumen, well ahead of the digestive tract, so it's absorbed, which is why ruminant animal flesh (cows & such) is high in B12.  Thus the dilemma.  Vegans don't eat or use animal products, so B12 is a problem.  It's the truth.  A hard fact.  But do not worry because I have the ultimate - raw-ultimate - solution.  And this is free, for now.

Read on for the solution, folks if you have not already struck upon it - 

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