Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thoughts Watching Biggest Loser

Saw the BL trainer's tip - they want us to have a healthy Vtines day, so we should pick dark chocolate over regular, we should workout first thing so we can 'burn fat' all day, and we should practice 'portion control' for our dinner - that apparently means cooking the amount you want but sharing it with your Vtine (assuming you have one).

First off - the show is compelling because these people are fighting for their lives.  It's an astonishing thing to see - life or death, and all it boils down to is 'what do these people choose to eat?'  Probably a lot of the "Big G" whole grain cereals that are so well advertised during the show.

The premise of BL is "calories in, calories out."  Just work out harder, eat less, achieve caloric deficit, weight loss is just a math problem.  And their formula works quite often - some of those folks are losing 10+ pounds per week!  Impressive.

What I wonder is how this is going to work out for those who get eliminated along the way.  Are they going to stick to their life of constant turmoil and hunger as they practice caloric restriction for life?  Why can't they do what humans have done for ages - eat when they are hungry and let their internal systems work out the math?

In short, their internal systems are broken from eating the wrong foods - neolithic foods like wheat, sugar, hydrogenated oils - and if they return to eating those foods, they will most likely, tragically, do what they did before, spiral down into metabolic derangement.  There was a man who faced a BL type challenge in his life and lost over 100 pounds.  When interviewed afterwards about the change, he said the thing that surprised him the most - about losing over 100 pounds - it wasn't looking or feeling better, it wasn't his new mobility, it wasn't his reduced risk of death from the diseases of civilization - the thing that surprised him the most about losing over 100 pounds was the appetite never went away.

There's a lot in that - Where's the joy?  Where's the sense of triumph?  Where was the amazement of how many new options were open to him in his life? - but the worst of all the weirdness about his outcome was - how long until he gets sick of being hungry?  Being hungry is not a life time lifestyle!  It won't work for very many people.

But being hungry is an entirely predictable outcome for folks on low fat, calorie restriction diets, as is emotional issues from living with too little fat.

So skip the calorie restriction, eat a lot of high quality saturated fat for satiety, primo fuel, and emotional well being, and enjoy your meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, with a little fruit (no sugar no wheat).  You might lose 100 pounds and enjoy it, and you won't be starving and too depressed to enjoy the days!

As for the BL, Robb Wolf for someone will find a way to get a Paleo Loser show going - they can all do a quick CF WOD, eat the good paleo food, and save hours of effort whilst losing more weight than the calorie is a calorie bunch.

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