Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Gluten Sensitivity a Myth? Part 2

The headlines are everywhere: gluten sensitivity doesn’t actually exist, and anyone who thinks they have it is a liar, delusional, dumb, or all three. The message isn’t a new one, but the stories do point to a new study from a group of researchers who previously found that removing wheat from the diet improved symptoms in people with IBS. In the new paper, the researchers tested whether isolated gluten – rather than wheat – exacerbated IBS symptoms. It did not. The IBS patients in the latest study showed no reaction to isolated gluten, and the only dietary variable that increased their symptoms was wheat. This could suggest that at least for some people (with IBS), gluten sensitivity may actually be wheat sensitivity triggered by the fermentable FODMAP fibers found in the grain.
Folks are so eager to say “told ya so!” that they gloss over an important fact: going gluten-free still worked. Sure, I guess some IBS patients can start doing lines of isolated gluten powder or whatever, but if the FODMAP mechanism holds, they’re still not eating wheat. They’re still gluten-free, or wheat-free, or whatever you want to call it – and they’re still experiencing relief from debilitating symptoms.
For my part, the science is something that has to be done.  But if you do a 30 day wheat free period, and feel good, and then reintroduce wheat, and have symptoms - that's the best science that can be done to tell you that that it may not be a good idea to eat a food invented in the last 50 or so years (hybridized wheats with super-high density carbs and more gluten proteins than traditional wheats), and prepared unlike wheat has been prepared since it was first harvested and used by human populations.
Read on to find out Mark's summary of other serious issues related to gluten sensitivity, including diabetes, ataxia, and mental illness.

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