Saturday, December 15, 2012

Not Explainable

From an orphanage in India:
"The results have been tangible. We are a dominating force in statewide field hockey. Last week, our under-19 girls team placed second in a school-level national tournament.

"One young woman received a full college scholarship in hockey - the coaches marvel at her fitness. Vijay Raj placed 16th at the 2012 Asia Regional and is earning a living as a CrossFit trainer in Delhi.

"CrossFit has permeated our ashram and is an integral part of who we are. Where most Indians recount the glories of the national cricket team, our children seamlessly discuss Froning, Spealler, Khalipa and others . Through CrossFit, we are redefining the meaning of "orphan" from a place of pity, to strong, competent, confident young men and women."

CrossFit is:
- Touted by elite warriors and first responders, NFL and former NFL players, NBA players, Motocross, skiers, and ultra-marathoners
- Touted by grandmothers with transformation in their physical capacity
- Touted by the addicted as a potent element of their recovery
- Giving pull-ups, rope climbs and significant strength gains to women in droves
- Provides a training ground for facing and overcoming internal obstacles - reading the stories of many, they say "I learned how to face my demons in CrossFit and it changed how I function at work and at home."
- Giving kids, and high schoolers, a type of fitness they value - even and possible especially those not previously inclined to athletic activity
- Giving all varieties of mid-aged athletes cause to say "I'm more fit than I ever have been"
- Proving effective for kids with severe disease states
- Giving a new persona to the children in an orphanage

How can this be possible?  So many different kinds of people, and all able to use CrossFit to address and transform in their lives.

I have been seeing and hearing this happen since 2007, and still marvel at the impact. CrossFit is a potent tool and continues to give utility from seemingly every angle.

I recommend you enjoy the full article above, it is fitting inspiration for this season.

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