Sunday, March 20, 2011

Grass On Cancer

“Cancer, like insanity, seems to increase with the progress of civilization.”
Stanislas Tanchou
Stanislas Tanchou was a physician who, following his service with Napoleon, entered private practice and studied the statistical distribution of cancer. Tanchou presented his complex statistical examination of malignancy to the Paris Science Society in 1843 (1). He documented evidence of increased malignancy with increased civilization. One of the prime indicators of a civilizing trend was a diet that included sugar and white flour. The greater the consumption of these foods, the greater the incidence of malignancy.
Tanchou was the first of many physicians to document what have been called "Western Diseases" or "Diseases of Civilization." The incidence of several diseases, including cancer, increases in direct proportion to the "civilization" of a nation and its people. Evidence has continued to accumulate that as populations shift from their traditional diets to diets that contain refined carbohydrates, diseases which had not been present begin appear. And as the amount of refined carbohydrate in their diet increases, the incidence of these diseases increases. This pattern has been observed in populations on every continent.
Richard Doll (the man that proved the link between cigarette smoking and cancer) and Richard Peto’s 1981 paper “The Causes of Cancer: Quantitative Estimates of Avoidable Risks of Cancer in the United States Today” made the following points: (2)"At least 75 to 80 percent of cancers in the U.S. would be avoidable with appropriate changes in diet and lifestyle.

"Food additives, pollution and occupational exposures play a minimal role.

"Diet plays the largest role – from 10 to 70 percent of all cancer."

Couple these points with the wealth of information about what causes Western Diseases and you’ll find what constitutes a cancer-avoiding diet – one that is low in carbohydrate.

And lucky for us, low carb diets (when manifested as grass farms upon which livestock may be grown) may be the only sustainable diets, and are by far the best diets in terms of impact on the "environment."  Low carb diets require no pesticides, no ammonium nitrate, relatively little if any irrigation, and act as a carbon sink rather than carbon emitters (if you care about that sort of thing).

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